intramacrophagic parasites counter

Automated image analysis protocol to count intracellular parasites. Parasites and Nuclei are segmented from the same DAPI channel.

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Detailed explanation

Functionality: segments nuclei, cells and parasites. Counts nr parasites per cell. To start load .cppipe file on CellProfiler pipeline window or .xeap file on Developer Toolbox. Input: fluorescent images (Nuclei-DAPI, Parasites-DAPI, Cells-Cy5). Main steps: segment nuclei, segment cells, segment parasites, mask parasites to cells, quantification. Outputs: Excel files with quantification + image segmentation outlines + image with nr parasites per cell. editable parameters: adjust for cell and parasites sizes; check segmentation thresholds


André Maia - IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular,i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde




CellProfiler 3.0 or higher IN Cell Developer Toolbox 1.9 or higher