Name: Centromere Recognition And Quantification | CRaQ Version: 1 Type: Keywords: Centromere,macro,Quantification,IGC Requirements: ImageJ Brief Description: The macro recognizes centromere or kinetochore foci in Delta Vision or TIFF images and determines their centroid position. Fluorescent intensities are then measured for each centromere by placing a small box around the centroid position of the centromere. The peak intensity value within the box is corrected for local background by subtraction of the minimum pixel value. This process results in an accurate measurement of large numbers of centromere or kinetochore-specific signals. Detailed Explanation: This macro is described in detail in Bodor et al. (2012) Analysis of Protein Turnover by Quantitative SNAP-Based Pulse-Chase Imaging. Current Protocols in Cell Biology, UNIT 8.8. DataSet Description: Delta Vision or TIFF images External Location: Link To Publication:

Authors: Nuno Moreno - IGC