Name: Get Parasite Position from ToAst Version: v1.0 Type: Script/Macro Keywords: python,Tracking,ToAst Requirements: Requires python 3.8, tkinter Brief Description: Reads logfile from ToAst (imageJ plugin) output and extracts all the lines until line = "Overall" and saves the tracking number, slice, X and Y position Detailed Explanation: Reads logfile from ToAst (imageJ plugin) output and extracts all the lines until line = "Overall" and saves the tracking number, slice, X and Y position. A user interface is prompted to select the logfile. A text file is saved with tracking number, slice, X and Y position DataSet Description: Logfile from ToAst (imageJ plugin) output External Location: Link To Publication: Authors: Mafalda Sousa - Advanced Light Microscopy,i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde