Name: DIC_Illumination_Uniformization Version: 1.0 Type: Keywords: Fiji,macro,DIC Requirements: Fiji. RGB images Brief Description: Macro to uniformize brightness for all DIC images using Retrospective (a posteriori) correction. Useful to have images ready for publication. Detailed Explanation: 1. Functionality: Macro uniformize brightness for all DIC images using Retrospective (a posteriori) correction. Transform images into grayscale and puts a scale bar with the size defined by the user. Saves processed image in a new folder, with a name given by the user. Keeps folder structure 2. How to execute: Open script file in Fiji and click "Run". Follow macro's steps 3. Input - top folder (directory) with images and/or folders. Those folders must have images inside that are .png or .tif 4. Main steps: User inputs gray value to uniformize the illumination, output folder name, scale bar size and, if needed, pixel size. 5. Output: Images with the same illumination value, with a scale bar inserted and within the same folder structure. 6. Editable Parameters gray value, name of output folder, scale bar size and pixel size. DataSet Description: DIC images of Drosophila male gonads. Taken using a Nikon ECLIPSE E400, with the Objective NIKON Japan 40X /0.65 Ph2 DL WD 0.57 Images were kindly provided by Joana Almeida and Paulo Navarro-Costa. External Location: Link To Publication:


Authors: José Serrado Marques - IGC - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência