Name: From In Cell To Hyperstack Version: V0.2 - Out/2019 Type: Keywords: InCell,Hyperstack,Fiji,ImageJ Requirements: ImageJ v1.52p Brief Description: Create a hyperstack for each field within each well for InCell High-Throughput system files. Detailed Explanation: Input InCell isolated tiff files and search for filenames with specific wells (lines, columns) and fields in the folder. Create an hyperstack for each field (xyzct) and save it as tiff file. Main steps: Run as macro script; define input folder and (empty) output folder; Insert number of channels, fields, frames and slices. Output: hyperstack (3D/4D/5D) tiff file for each field DataSet Description: This data set contains images obtained with InCell (tiff format). For each well, three fields were analyzed and four images captured (DAPI, FITC, TexasRed and Brightfield). External Location: Link To Publication: Authors: Mafalda Sousa - IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular,i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde